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(The Bible)

GÊNESIS the Gênesis tells the first origins of the world, of the
human sort, of the Hebrew people, everything related with God, its
revelation, its cult. God creates the universe, shows the first men,
god to it chooses a family (Abraão and its descent), stops in the
seio of it conserving and developing the embryos of the primitive
revelation and the true religion, in intention to prepare the solemn
revelção of the Sinai, told in the Êxodo.A creation of the sky and
of the land (1,1-2,3), he is as that the prologue of the huge drama,
that if divides in two parts, and has for protsgonista the five great
patriarchs: Adam and Noah, patriarchs of the Human sort; Abraão,
Isaac and Jaco, patriarchs do people hebreu.O all is enquandrado pelo
sacred author in ten genealogical boards made use in such way that,
after to have registered the secondary branches da propagation human
being, comes back to tell to the destinations do diffuse patriarcal
branch, this is, da elect descent, carrying da true divine revelation
and da religião.O Gênesis encloses na its narration a long series of
century, and placing (no main trunk das auas genealogies) ao side dos
names also numbers of years, would supply the elements of a crologia.
Unhappyly the ciphers do not seem well conserved, because in the
numbers of the chapters the 5 and 11 three independent texts: the
Hebrew one, the samaritano and the Greek divergem between itself.
Being based on its text, the Greeks of the bizantino imperio placed
the creation of the man 5,508 years a.C. The Hebrews still use an age
that in msmo period counts 3,760 years. Antrológicas sciences demand
a bigger time assaz for the existence of the man on the land. A Bible
is not contrary the certain reusltados ones of such sciences, also
because the list genealogical of the Gênesis could be incomplete, or
either omissions of links intermediários.Do birth of Abraão to the
descending of the Israelis to Egypt - 290 years, the respective
chronology is more or less certain. For the cronologis absolute (based
in the vulgar age) a fixed point in the synchronism of Abraão with
Hamurabi would be had, celbre king of the Babilônia, whose famous
code of laws was discovered in 1902. The identification however of
Amrafel, king of Senaar with Hamurabi of Babilônia, is today more of
the one than doubtful; neither the date of the reign of this last this
definitively settled; currently is extended to place it to it the
beginning for 1728 return a.C. Being taken as starting point the date
where the Israelis had left Egypt under faraó Menefta per the year of
1200 a.C., and remantando the course of the centuries with data of the
proper Bible (ciatadas Êx 12, 40 and tickets), Abraão would have
been born for return of 1900 a.C., but it is not certain which is
faraó of the Êxodo.Muitas pages of the Gênesis have correspondence
in Babylonian and Egyptian monuments: in the first ones, the primitive
hístoria, that is, first the 11 chapters; in the egícipios, the
remaining portion, especially the history of Jose (37-50). With the
two first chapters (the creation) they have something similar some
babilonicos poems between itself opponents and that they are a
fantasiosa mythology of crasso politeísmo; more sublime quão for the
thought nobility is chats it simple of the Bible! Also the babilonica
tradition knows ten kings, as Gên 5, ten patriarchs of life
longuissima before the dilúvio. This cataclisma was told in many
babilonicas legends, one of which was inserted in the romanesco poem
"Gilgames", thus call because of the hero protagonist. The points of
contact with the Biblical narration (Gêm 7;8) are numerous and
typical. The narration of the tower of Babel (gên 11,1-9) is all
weaveeed of babilonicos elements; but an accurate parallel still was
not found in cuneiform literature. It still swims meets in this truily
analogous literature of to the narration of paraiso terrestrial and
the fall of theman (Gên 3).Nos monumetos Egyptians we have
represented many similar scenes to told in the Gên cc.12,37-50

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- Genesis

- Genesis

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