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Lord Edgware Dies
(Agatha Christie)

Attending the spectacle of Carlotta Adams, new rising star of the theatre and excellent imitator, our beloved Belgian and his friend the captain Hastings are introduced to Lady Edgware.
This one, having married her husband by profit and having met somebody younger and more fortunate, wishes to see Hercules Poirot disencumbering her of her husband, who refuses to divorce.
Hercules Poirot is surprised by the request, but nevertheless will speak to Lord Edgware to relieve his curiosity.
To his great surprise, Lord Edgware is very ready to return his freedom to his young wife, and it is perplexed but happy that Hercules Poirot leaves to announce the good news to Lady Edgware.
Unfortunately, Lord Edgware is assassinated the same night, and all the witnesses saw Edgware Lady entering their property t the sharp time when the crime was committed. She however has a concrete alibi: she decided at the last minute to attend a dinner which she had countermanded.
Ten people were invited, and can confirm her alibi.
It would seem that somebody, who was not aware of the meeting between Poirot and Lord Edgware wanted Lady Edgware to be convinced of the murder of her husband.
But who had interest to have him murdered?
And who had interest to get rid of Carlotta Adams while making pass her death for a suicide?
A survey is carried out, and whereas the evidence and refutations are revealed, the mystery seems to thicken.
Helped by his friend the captain Hastings , made fun by his eternal rival inspector Japp, turned fool by the assassin, our detective with the glossed moustache and ovoid cranium will have to make sparks.
The reasoning of Hercules Poirot, and his small grey cells, will lead them on the track of an intelligent murderer, without scruples and ready to do everything to succeed.

Resumos Relacionados

- A Faca Sobre A Nuca (le Couteau Sur La Nuque)

- A Morte De Lord Edgware

- Treze À Mesa

- Dead Man's Folly

- The Labors Of Hercules

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