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The Righteous Men
(Sam Bourne)

The Righteous Men, by Sam Bourne, is yet another of the religious-based thrillers following in the wake of The Da Vinci Code. The righteous men of the title come from a Jewish tradition that the continuing existence of the world depends upon the survival of 36 individuals spread throughout the world. These are men of exceptional goodness. This goodness is hidden and nobody, often not even the individuals themselves, is aware of their being one of the 36.
Imagine the horror of the followers of this tradition, then, when it comes to their attention that these men are being slain. Caught up in the situation is Will, a New York Times journalist, who reports on two of the deaths for his newspaper and whose wife is kidnapped for reasons which do not become apparent until the end of the novel.
That, then, is the plot. There is little in the way of twists and turns or sub-plots. The novel depends upon this one simple idea. There is nothing clever, here, and the story itself is not one which makes one think such as the story in The Da Vinci Code. Neither is the plot believable; either in its basic premise or in its dependence on outlandish coincidences. The biggest weakness, perhaps, is that, though the book deals with strange Christian cults and with Jewish tradition, we are not really drawn into the world of either.
That said, this novel does what all good thrillers do; start reading the book and you will find it difficult to put down. What it lacks in plot and atmosphere; it makes up for in sheer pace. Every page of this story moves the plot forward in the hero?s frantic race against time. While not saying that this is a spectacularly good book, it is certainly an enjoyable and undemanding thriller which will hold the reader?s interest until the end.

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- The Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

- The Righteous Men

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