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What Is Your Talking Intellegence?
(arik shani)

do you always know what to say? have you always have the right word? do you know how to be a diplomat? do you know how to get out from troubels by the force of your understanding knoledge of talking?
all of those kinds of things involve - talking intellegence.

lets thing about intellegence and lets think about your way of talking- are those two things can arrange togehter and go along hand by hand ,side by side? and how could you develope them? in what way?

the big secret is to watch at the way that people talk very carefully.pay attention to this kinds of thing: their words are not so important, also their attentions - not so important- but- the wisdom of their dialogs and the wisdom of their sentences are the key to your improvment.in this article we will learn carefully and very deep how to be very smart in our ordinarary talking.

the secret of good talking is to see biond the sentences and biond the meaning. try to see a map of all the conversation.look at all the things from the look of a bird.do not get close to much to the words,do not get too much close to your thinking of what to say - just look at all the conversation and watch it very gently and with a smile.the results of a good talking burn from the mod and the atmosphere.it dosent mean that you have to smile,but you have to know how to give the other side the feel of attention and taking him half serious and half by gaming.dont think about a conversation like a seriuos thing.it's just a serious game.

good talking also involved correct knoledge how to handle bad sitiuations. by the force of understanding what to say and with what kind of words - you can give good feeling to the listening person.look at smart people - they always kno what to say.the secret is to talk to specific deep parts of the person that in front of you. you should be amart enough to know to where to send the message: to the heart' or to the head or to his desires (stomatch). akso you shuld take into considiration your thinks that yu talk about them: are thay emotional, or are they mental or are they things of libido.

good talking person also see all the things drom the eyes of the one who is standing in front of him.it's a marveles kind of thing. this ability gives you the excatly feeling of the kind of effect that diffrent ways of talking can infloence someone else. despite of the way of thinking that people are very diffrent from each other -you should pay deep attention that all the people kinds can be divided into 5 or 6 groups.
when people are talking and get affect from yur sentences and from your knoledge of how to talk those kinds of groups are very important.

one gruop of people its the "unthinking" people:they dont pay deep attention to your way of speech.they dont love to talk.
the second group is the opposit: that kind of people love to talk nd pay very very deep attention to your speech (and akso to your body language).
the third group is the people that between those two groups: some times they here and in other times they are there.thos are very hard people to talk to them.you shold know how to treat them by telling them words that can cause them to pay attention when you want it.
the forth gruop is the people that dont believe to nothing easily.they need a talking of an expert to them in order to do something.
the fifth gruop is people that are expertes and virtuaozes by theur knoledge of smart talking.

how could you know if you are standing besides an expert? he is smart enuogh to hide it. he never talks smart (he knows that by that he can be exposed), he dont pay attention. but you should look at those: he always get by his talkings what he want.the second thing : he never gives you bad feelings, the third secret: he never talk loud or arruse his voice too loud (because he know how to express his emotions by his sentences).

expert in talking knows the the atmosphere that he can create by his sentences is the most inportant thing,he knows how to get along with eveneknows thatthe meanning isnt important like theimportence of the emotional talking and the listening. he know also the big secret that people preefer to talk about themselfs always and he know how to connect all the things to their inner psychology world.pay attention to that: for example- if ypu want to affect someone - give him always examples that are taken from his familier life- other wais - hi cannot really feel it on himself.

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