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(Franz Kafka)

The novel is the masterpiece of absurd. The character, introduced as K., finds himself in some village which feeds itself on the gossips about the newcomers and regulations given out by the Castle - a place of absolute power. Everyone who comes from the village is exposed to nosy questions and stares full of dislike. The main character finds out that his profession is painter, though he himself does not even know if he can really paint since he has never worked in this profession nor has he done anything similar to it. The decision has been made above him, in the Castle. He now has to reconcile himself to the new role. He was given such a job since workers are needed and no one has the appropriate education. The absurd situation K. now finds himself in is about constant waiting for a day when he could finally get started with the task he was given. One can undoubtedly say that he lives as if in constant fear. Little does he know how the situation looks like. One time he is put in the state of utmost readiness while the other day he learns that there are no chances for work in the nearest future. He is thus spending his spare time on getting to know the rural life, its customs, traditions and inhabitants' features. He is gradually making new friends since most of his time he spends with the villagers. Besides enjoying the charms of typical rural life, from time to time he visits the office. It is there that he gets informed on his nearest future as far as his possible income is concerned. It is possible that one day they will tell him to come back the next day to get familiar with some further plans, and when he comes the other day they laugh at his being naive since there is no work and nothing has changed yet. The novel is the microcosmos of the paranoia of all manifestations of bureaucracy and the terrible mess in the files, which no one can control. People, though, try to do their best fulfilling their duties, which leads to the complete lack of logic in the decisions they tend to make. Their lack of reason causes the innocent honest people to suffer, especially since they cannot find a way out of the caricatural place of order. Hence, the more the society drowns in the sea of stagnation, the more powerful the clerks feel. The officials can thus make whatever they please. The K. character could as well be anyone of us. Ordinary people often face similar situations and this is why one can identify with the main character. This should not be done too often, though. Mr. K. is difficult to decode. Sometimes one could even ask if his life values are not slightly deviated. After all, he has become a slave to a situation he cannot mend in any way, he is completely helpless and the only thing he can do is... to wait.

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