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(Jair Miranda)

The importance of the Shvoong website can be seen in the need for
scientific production and published papers, which is extremely
necessary and useful for the CVs of Brazilians, who must have their
papers or books published despite their difficulty in producing
literature. The publishing of books is expensive and it is not easy to
sell them to consumers who are either semi-illiterate or literate but
impoverished. The internet is currently accepted as a medium of
scientific publication. Abstracts published in Shvoong award marks at
civil service tests, where the candidates' scientific production is
considered and graded. Selling books in Brazil is something difficult.
Most writers sell about 40% of an edition when they manage to have
their books published. The remainder is donated to school and
university libraries. There is certainly no profit at all, except for
some Jorge Amado or Paulo Coelho, who luckily have their books
published, sold and bought in Brazil and abroad. So we write very
little and publish even less. Therefore, writing abstracts for Shvoong
is producing scientifically and giving opportunity for those who do not
have any access to books to have access to the abstracts of books. That
is my understanding of the importance of the Shvoong website and that
is why I visit the site almost every day and write abstracts whenever I

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- How To Write A Good Abstract

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- Books

- Why I Want To Write

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