Uk National Insurance
National Insurance National insurance is a social insurance program in Britain; based on contributions from employers and employees; provides payments to unemployed and sick and retired people as well as medical services National Insurance number A National Insurance (NI) number is a personal number used: to record a person's NI contributions and credited contributions as a reference number for the whole social security system. A NI number should only be given to one person and must only be used by that person. Anyone who are starting work are self-employed are looking for work needs to apply for the National Insurance Number. Although when we arrive to UK we already have insurance it is temporary one (TN + date of birth). It is however highly advisable to apply for a new insurance number because temporary one means that we will have less favourable tax rate and occasionally we will be unable to be employed as permanent one is requred. You should apply for a National Insurance number through your local Jobcentre Plus office. You will have to prove your identity and they will check if you really need NI number. Then you will be invited to a interview( date of which is fixed usually 3 months from applying). If you pass the interview with success you will be given NI number.
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