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The Protector
(Jenifer A. Ruth)

Alana Devlin, a gorgeous and spirited descendant of fairies, works to maintain a low profile in her career as a magician. But her real job is a lot more complicated than magic tricks and illusions. She must protect the city of Las Vegas from a world that most people don't even know exists. But she is unprepared for a strike from the mortal world. After an attempt on her life leaves her shaken, detective Leo Grady steps in with every intention of taking charge and doing whatever he deems necessary to put her assailant behind bars.He has been tracking this killer for months with not much to go on and Alana is the first victim to make it through alive, much less recognizable. But, much to his chagrin, detective Grady soon discovers that Miss Devlin is high-strung, used to doing things her own way, and not very fond of his methods of protecting her. Frustration and tension grow as they are each constantly trying to override the other and control the situation. But their common goal and purpose, protecting the people of Las Vegas, forces them to deal with circumstances completely forgeign to them and to depend on each other to make it through. Alana must allow Leo to protect her, while he must deal with the reality of magic and another world.
This book has a plot with twists and turns as captivating as the stunts that Alana pulls in her magic show.

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