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(José Saramago.)

A person suddenly loses her vision in the traffic. She is helped but also robbed. Looking for the solution of the problem, finds a doctor who can't find out what happened.
The doctor soon starts not to see anything either. Other people also get the same disease, until a quarantine is imposed, and people are taken to a non-structured mental hospital.
The blind people then start to organize their duties: using the bathroom, eating, etc... They sometimes don't receive the food because of authorities' indifference. It comes to a point in which all the city starts not to see - it is a chaos!
The doctor's wife, however, does not get blind, but pretends to do it, so that she can be close to her husband.
She carries the mission of guiding the group (her husband, a boy, a lady with dark glasses and an old man), confronting the hard reality for survivance in the face of charity, love, libido or greed for food.
Fortunately, the group manages to escape because the mental hospital is taken by fire. Everybody goes to the doctor's house.
There they remain in the care of the doctor's wife, who one day, while going out to buy food, enters a church and supposes that also God was blind, for He didn't see their suffering.
In the end all of them get their vision back, and realize that they had not got blind, but, instead, they used not to see how things were. Blind people who see, blind people that, seeing, do not see.
The doctor looks, through the window, at people's happiness and at the dirty streets.
His wife looks to the white sky and realizes that it was her time to get blind.

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- Vision

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