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Career Calling
(Mudunuri Nagasai)

Every Person aspires to be like somebody who is his/her role model.May be high profile experts in the corresponding fields.For e.g.somebody who has great passion in cricket will say,I want to be like Sachin Tendulkar.Or some soccer player will say I want to be like Pele or Beckham.Or some computer expert will say I want to be like Bill Gates.It is important to have role models,but it is just not enough.There are many considerations for everything.

The following are different questions based on which you can select your career.All the best.
1)What is your hobby?
2)What is your personal interest?
3)What is your goal and ambition?
4)Do you want to make a lot of money?
5)Do you think you can present yourself to a successful job?
6)Do you have any personal desire in any field?
7)What do you really aspire to become in life?
8)Who do you like most (i.e.) who is your role model?
9)How far are you in role model's field?
10)Do you think you can make career in that particular field?
11)What are your strengths and weaknesses in that field?
12)How far do you really confident in th particular field(rate in 1-10)?
13)Can you go on with some professional training if necessary?If rating less than 6,you must undergo training.
14)Want to be your own boss?
15)Do you think you can market a product successfully?
16)Can you own a business and administrate it by all means?

Just take a sheet of paper and answer the questions yourself without any other support.Write down your thoughts and aspirations and analyze your personality.Then you can motivate yourself.Self motivation is the most important factor as many people will be telling many things but only you can better know yourself.Then only you will have a clear idea of yourself.

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