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(Rabindranath Tagore)

A great work by a great personality ,filled with passion and abundant love towards almighty and fellow human beings.No wonder that this great poetry has changed the hardest materialistic people into truth seekers and ardent lovers of God.I read first time Gitanjali as a translation in Telugu by a famous Telugu poet who is known to be a hardliner and non believer and the wonder was that the same author narrated ,how he was influenced by this great work and became an aesthetic ,and great devotee and also a follower of Shri Aurobindo .
If world has rewarded the poet with Nobel prize,the world above us would have rewarded him with nothing less than the salvation itself,his true goal.No wonder ,if God allowed him to stay here on this earth, some longer time after he composed these Song offerings,it is only to make more empty vessels on the earth filled with nectar through this poet and his works.
Right from the first song" Mind without Fear" to the last song "Salutation" ,I found simply the flow of eternal" Soma"(the vedic nectar),through each song I read, and the journey from first song to the last was incredible,joyful,delightful,I never felt any time that i was alone in the night while reading the Book.I found two companions with me,One,the poet himself , and the other the great allmighty.A great company to be bestowed with indeed.
Tagore pleads the God to awaken his country to that heaven of freedom where ,Mind is without fear and knowledge is free.He brings a mystifying experience while comparing the earthly lives to vessels which are time and again emptied and filled by the Master for his pleasure, and the great value the empty reed gets when he breaths melodies through it.Once again a symbolism to the pouring of prana by lord into the empty bodies.
Not just these two, in each an every song you will find the celestial grace,the gentle touch of the Lord,the unbountiful mercy poured out by Lord,his immense love towards his creation,the great pain and suffering he undergoes to bring back the departed part (human being) to Lord himself,is described with a finesse of a weaver.A great skill !To respect and reward the great poet with an award is to respect ourselves.To read the Gitanjali one should have to have the great benevolence of the Lord.

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