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A Trip To Happiness: The New Scientific Key
(Punset, Eduard)

What is happiness? This is the difficult task this journalist-writer proposes in his last novel. It is the perfect question taking into account the fast-paced world in which we live, the existential anguish we face each and every day, the stress, the anxiety... we try to survive but do not know how and we lose ourselves easily. Punset divides the book into different chapters, leaving the chapter "the answer" to the eternal question for the end: How to obtain happiness. Through the previous chapters he goes over different points of view: scientific, sociological, technological, anthropological and logical, the difficulty of the modern man to reach HAPPINESS. We no longer need anyone else, competiveness drags us in a spiral and prevents us from enjoying ourselves, others and the world we live in. Within a competitive society HAPPINESS has no place. ANXIETY AND YEARNING FOR HAPPINESS does. That is why this is the century of stress, anxiety, depressive illness... A great book that makes you think about the why, but not doing anything to change

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