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The Clan Of The Cave Bear
(Jane Auel)

This first book of the Earth Children series written by Jane Auel will definitely catch your attention and have you reading non-stop for hours. It is the story of Ayla, a beautiful, blonde girl who's parents die in an earthquake. She ends up alone in a land with many dangers. The Clan of the Cave Bear are primitive people, similar to how caveman were described in looks, but with a very high intelligence and they do not communicate with words but with more of a sign or body language. They come across Ayla, hurt and alone, during one of their trips and, against the rest of her clan's better judgement their medicine woman takes Ayla with them, cures her and raises her as if she were her own daughter. She grows up with the clan as her family, learning to communicate and work with them, although never totally accepted. Being different, she was considered ugly. This is a story of love and hate, of differences; of a land before our times and it's glaciers and animals and dangers... You will be spell-bound.

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