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The Food Of Love
(Anthony Capella)

This book made Richard & Judy?s summer reads for 2005. It is very worthy of the accolade.

This is most amusing book I have read for some time. It is a heady mix of handsome Italian men, one pretty American girl, and mouth watering Italian food with a large helping of sex and romance.

The story is a modern day Cyrano de Bergerac style tale of seduction and unrequited love.

Tommaso was my favourite character with his classic Italian looks, he may have been a love rat but at least he was reasonably honest about it. Bruno the supposed hero of the story struck me at times as a bit wet but his talents in the kitchen and his passion for food and for the beautiful American Laura were pretty good redeeming features.

The scenarios and complications which developed with the plot made me laugh out loud. All in all a feel good, funny romantic read. Who could ask for more?

Resumos Relacionados

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