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Wickedly Yours
(Brenda Hiatt)

A loyal lady comes to London in search of her indigent brother and falls in love with an emotionally wounded ex-soldier.
Sarah Killian, orphaned at the age of nine, has vowed never to be a charity case. To support herself and William, her little brother, she became a pickpocket. By the time a kindly social worker tracked down a distant relative of the Killians, Sarah had become an accomplished thief. However, she promises to behave like a lady when her benefactor agrees to pay boarding school tuition for herself and her brother. William did not promise anything. He ran away from school and eventually went to work for The Saint of Seven Dials, Napoleonic era London?s version of Robin Hood.
The Saint, a.k.a. Lord Hardwyck, Luke St. Clair, refused to allow William to participate in any of his more dangerous (fun) exploits; but always looked after his young friend. As soon as he gained his title, Luke insisted William stay at the family estate. Luke has decided that an Earl can accomplish more than a thief and has retired. Unfortunately, William believes that the people of Seven Dials still need a champion. When his mentor leaves for his honeymoon, William intends to take over as The Saint.
After Sarah graduates, she returns to London and finds her brother about to embark on a life of crime. William tells his sister what his life was like before and after the Saint found him, leaving out nothing but his benefactor?s true name. Sarah decides to assume the Saint?s identity before her brother gets himself caught. She was always better at larceny than her little brother was.
Lord Peter Northup, fourth son of Duke Marland, was once a soldier. Peter lead his unit into an ambush set by the notorious Black Bishop. Lord Northup was the only survivor. Now, he acts like a dandy and concentrates on society frivolities to ease the pain. He vowed to find the traitor and was almost sorry when his friend Noel Paxton apprehended the Black Bishop. Peter has a photographic memory, which he used to great advantage during the war. He blames himself for the ambush almost as much as he blames the traitor. Coincidently, after the Bishop?s arrest, the Saint appears to retire. Peter has concluded that the Saint and the Bishop are the same person.
Then he notices Sarah stealing a necklace and leaving one of the Saint?s calling cards, a large black 7 with a golden halo. The Lady is a Saint!

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