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The Third World War
(humphrey hawksley)

Brief gist of ?The Third World War ? written by Humphrey Hawksley

This is an excellent novel , work of unusual range of imagination coupled with indepth knowledge in various intricacies of political regions to depict the conflicts between countries, their ideologies and the warfare due to sudden spurt in terrorist activities.
The novel starts with an attack on Indian Parliament House by some terrorists. India accuses that the attack is hatched by Pakistan nurtured Terrorist groups only. The Prime Minister of India Mr. Vasant Mehta blames The President of America Mr.James West and The Prime Minister of China Mr.Jamie Song for their blind doting on Pakistan which resulted in its becoming a terrorist country. He asks them to take steps to rout out the terrorists base in that country.
The President of United States consults China but both have their own political considerations weighing more. No action is taken immediately and it follows in the assassination of the President of Pakistan and next attack on the official residence of the Indian Prime Minister, in Delhi. A coup follows in North Korea and a dangerous man Park Ho takes reins and hatches a plot for destruction of U.S.Armed bases. In Pakistan also the situation worsens, Air Marshal Qureshi almost takes over the country under military rule, though he is not acceptable to General Musa.

Pakistan bombs Delhi. Mr. Mehta, Prime Minister of India calls for an urgent meeting of United Nations and lashes out United States of America for their failure in restricting Pakistan. A meeting of the Heads of all States- U.S., U.K.,China, Russia, Japan ,South Korea is called for to discuss the gravity of the situation. The Indian Prime Minister with all restraint does not want to retaliate keeping in view the consequent heavy loss of human life . But he warns The American President to strike the terrorists failing which India would retaliate. It is in this context that all the Heads of States meet in U.S. and try to avoid the nuclear war. Political dissidence, treaties, alliances between the countries all come in the discussion, but there is one agreement that there should not be a war.
The U.S.President comes to know that North Korea is ready to attack U.S. cities with Missiles and biological weapons. Before Mr. West comes to any decision, China and Russia forge alliance and attack on terrorist spots in Pakistan. Japan goes nuclear keeping in view the strengthened China.
North Korea attacks South Korea.
America and Britain attack North Korea to destroy their Missiles and biological weapons.
The situation worsens. Pakistan nukes on major cities of India and India retaliates. Japan is attacked and Manhattan city in U.S. is attacked by missiles. Small pox virus weapons are used by suicide bombers and missiles to spread the dangerous disease in the cities of America and Britain. There is no vaccine for containing the disease. The result is instantaneous death.
The President of Japan Mr. Sato is killed in war. The Chinees Premeir escapes dethroning. Chaos every where... How to stop this towering inferno?
The American President requests Indian Prime Minister to address the world to stop the genocide. He feels that the Indian Prime Minister alone has shown exemplary restraint and consideration for the living of mankind. Hence he alone can request the Heads of the warring countries. The
aftermath is very horrible. Lakhs of people died in the war. Thousands died due to the contagious disease. Radio Activity due to Nuclear Weapons will leave an untold misery to the survivors for many more years to come. All major cities of India, Pakistan, Japan disappeared from the Map. South and North Korea are almost completely destroyed.
Now a new world is to be resurrected from the ashes.
The entire story runs more than 500 pages with suspense and appears near reality and glues you to the chair.

t.v.s.ramanuja rao

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