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Faith In Prayer

If you pray why worry if you worry why pray? Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. With out faith how can we believe that we will get an answer? Why would our Father listen to our desires when we do not believe in the power of our prayers? The bible says that God will give us the desires of our hearts, if, we will serve him. How can we serve a master that we do not believe in? We are all Gods children but just like our own children that ask for things that are not good for them. God has to say no. This does not mean that he doesn?t love us .It means that we must have faith that our heavenly Father knows best. We as children of God must learn to pray as he did in the garden not my will but thy will be done. This step in spiritual growth is a big one and extremely hard for most people. As adults we have learned to make the decisions in our life good bad or indifferent we shoulder the responsibility of our desisions.Giving the reins to God is not always easy, but must be done for Gods will in our life.
The prayers we pray must come from our hearts to be able to reach the throne on high. I like to compare a written prayer to a canned sales talk they are pretty but rarely touch ones heart. God wants the real you not a simulation. He wants us to pray in spirit and in truth. I believe we are so tied up in the proper way of prayer we no longer dig deep in our souls to reach out to him. God asked us to come to him as a child. When a child asks for something they let you know they are sincere and they even show emotion as should we, when we approach our heavenly Father .The bible also states that the devil is the prince and platy of the air and he can hear your every request to God, there for it is essential for one to pray in there closet. When I say closet I do not mean in your cloths closet but in your mind. In your closet sateen can not hear your prayer to God it is private between just you and your heavenly Father. There is nothing in this earth to compare touching the very throne of God. What a blessing to be able to believe and receive an answer from above.

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