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The Fountainhead
(Ayn Rand)

I really don't consider myself that strong to criticise AynRand ,but only I wanted to share my thoughts,after I just tried to recapitulate some excerpts of The Fountainhead writen by this great lady. I was very much influenced by the Howard Roark in the novel and started living like Howard Roark in my real life.I found myself confused at one stage and thought that enough is enough. Now I don't want to be Howard Roark any more and I kept the great Book in my almirah which I never open usually.
The reason for this is not that I don't like him any more or not that Ayn rand wrongly influenced me through this character.It is because , certain philosophies ,certain thinking attitudes require really a great stubborn quality to survive in this world, which I feel I don't have.
After fifty years passed since the great book came into existence, and there was a great hue and cry on objectivism that was discussed by the author and which lead to almost a movement like thing, still we find the Howard roarks are confined only between the two covers of magnumopus writen by dreamers.
we are surrounded by a Big and large world filed with small people (who think lowly about themselves , crave self sympathy,try to find falt with others,never straight in their objective)who try to bring howard roarks either to gallows or try to make them zeroes.
Original people, innovative ideas ,individuality , all these things are a taboo for this society.The society needs parasites ,those who copy others and those who can never own their own piece of work on the Earth.I remember the rhetoric of Howard roark in the court room.Real Howard roarks never want support from others. they like truth. they want truth.Their work is their goal.Their creation is important for them rather than who used the creation.The creator thinks, parasites copies.The creator works.the parasite loots.The creator's concern is conquest of nature.The parasite's concern is conquest of men.The creator advocates independence.The parasite dictates collectivity.However,i wish to conclude this article of mine by saying that To live the life of Howard roark ,one should prepare oneself to face the eternal trial.l

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- The Fountainhead

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