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The Wonder House
(justine hardy)

A heartwarming story set in times of war and peace in the mesmerising beauty of the valley of Kashmir. 'The Wonder house' is a tale of passion and conflict beautifully interwoven in an engaging narative. Hardy captures the valley with a photographer's eye making the reader feel the chiling winds, the heat of kangri, the taste of gajri halwa and above all the tragedy of the round characters. Hardy uses a wide range of characters, from a mute middle aged woman named Suriya who has a terrible past, her daughter Lila with her progressive ideas and a sensitive yet ambitious english journalist, Hal who enters their lives to interview Gracie, their landlord. the flare in Hardy's writng fascinates the reader and her unique style of naratting parallel story lines gves an interesting edge to the otherwise a slowpace read.
The story of Irfan, an adolescent who is bullied and forced to join a terrorist group is presented so realistically that the reader is able to empathise and relate with him despite is uneven emotional graph. as the story proceeds towards the climax, the sudden, unexpected demice of two important characters grips the reader's attention and the mystery of their murders keeps the reader engrossed till the very last line (literally).
The only et a major setback to the bookremains in the long passages of naration regarding subtle description of not-so-important thing which tends to check the patience of the reader's at certain odd points.
Yet, ' The Wonder House' with its interesting and sensitive plot, a wide speectrum of real characters and breath taking twists and turns truely deserves to top the bestseller's charts.
Number of pages: 370
Cost : 250 indian ruppees

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