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Reverse/day Dreamer
(David lee ryan ; aka youngaritist)


What?s going on?
I look around me and cannot believe what I see, insects are much bigger than humans I find a place to hide away afraid, afraid a giant spider might decide to eat me.

I see a ship but I can?t believe it, it?s floating in the sky why is this going on? Oh why oh why?

Aeroplanes seems to be floating in the water the sky it?s green and the grass it?s blue did some one change this world if so please change it back please tell me what I must do.

I try to run but something happens to me I begin to fly my legs will not move I wonder why?

Every human has disappeared there is not a human in site but those huge insects and birds they scare me they give me a fright.

The birds cannot fly they can only walk I watch as a bird glances at a spider and, oh my they start to talk.

Free me from this world it?s so perverse why has the old world changed? Who caused it?s reverse?

Day dreamer

Reality is too boring for me it gets so boring that I fall asleep, I dream of something better. I dream of being better of being happy of being special I dream of a better life.

Usually my dreams are short lived reality has a terrible habit of hitting me very hard when I least expect it.

In my dreams the good guy always ?wins? life always rewards kindness and when you love some one they love you back.

I am not stuck in some dead end job in my dreams, I am not sad and alone and everyone is happy, everyone is equal no one is forgotten.

Sometimes it hurts so much to know that reality is never as glamorous or as fair as life in my dreams, but my dreams make reality easier to digest if I did not have my dreams reality would swallow me up and no one would even notice.

So when the world is such a hard place to live in I will close my eyes and go somewhere else.

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- Dreams

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