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(The Bible)

Genesis is the first book of the Christian Bible, believed to be written by Moses. It is a record of the creation of the world by an almighty, all powerful God. God forms man from the dust of the earth and breathes into Him the breath of life. Finding no mate suitable for the man he causes a deep sleep to fall upon him, removes one of his ribs, and from that rib creates woman. This first man and woman are known as Adam and Eve.

Adam and Eve are placed in the middle of a beautiful, plenteous garden, somewhere between the Tigris, Euphrates, and two other significant rivers. It is a place of abundance and plenty. They are granted freedom to live, love, and rule over the garden. God gives them only one exhortation. They are not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Ah, the forbidden fruit, made even more seductive by the subtle luring of a crafty serpent. Adam and Eve eat of the forbidden fruit, paradise is lost, and man is condemned to a life of labor and troubles, constantly at enmity with the serpent, known from henceforth as the Devil.

Even though He has kicked them out of the Garden of Eden, God has compassion on His creation. He begins a plan of redemption through the family of a man called Abram, of Ur. Abram is called away from his family to serve God. From Abram's seed He will produce a nation, and eventually a Messiah, who will deliver all people from the curse brought upon man by Adam and Eve.

The rest of Genesis is the dramatic story of Abram, whose name is changed to Abraham, and his people. Sarah, Abraham's wife, becomes frustrated with God's timing and determines to use a surrogate mother, whom she grows to loathe, The handmade has a son, Ishmael, he is not the promised seed, but God does build from him a vast nation. Sarah does have a boy, when she is 98 years old, his name is Isaac and he becomes the father of the nation of Israel. The family drama continues until Joseph, Jacob's favorite son and Isaac's grandson, becomes a prisoner in Egypt. He proceeds from being a prisoner to working in the palace, back to prisoner, to becoming the grand vizier of Egypt. His family comes to him to escape famine.

They live, but after many years, Jacob is dead, and the Egyptians grow resentful of the Israelites and enslave them. Their condition grows more and more difficult. Will life ever get better? Will they ever be delivered? You must find your answers in the book of Exodus.

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