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Put Best Friends To Good Use

Put best friends to good use

You adore your best friend. He/she has always been by your side when in need, is smart, good-looking and intelligent. In other words, perfect. So perfect that he/she is everything you are not and that gives you a complex when you are together. Well, you?re not alone, they say opposites attract in love and it?s the same when it comes to best friends too. But don?t worry, you can actually get the best for yourself, thanks to this great friend. It may bring out the devil in you, but won?t harm your friend in anyway.
Dip into their wardrobe
Today it?s not just about natural looks but grooming, clothes, makeup and hordes of other material possessions that make a person attractive and smart. And your friend must have a combo of these things, if he/she is getting attention. What is his/hers is also yours, keep that in mind. Right from clothes, accessories, car to even club memberships, make your buddy share everything with you. Soon you?ll end up looking similar and the attention will also get divided.
Use him/her as bait
If you like someone, don?t act directly. Dangle your smart and good looking friend instead. No, not to the person who you like, but his/her best friend. If they start hanging out together, this best friend is bound to bring out his/her best friend, i.e. the person you like. Soon you guys will start double dating.
Filter the wannabe crowd
Your best friend will also help you develop your friends? circle. Everyone will try to befriend him/her and you will soon figure out the genuine ones from the wannabes. At that point, you will also be ?the? one when it comes to giving advice about who to hang out with and not. Soon you will get close to those real friends, without having to go through the dilemma that one goes through in the beginning.
Give and take
Everyone has certain good traits or features. Figure out what yours are, or rather, let your best friend do it. Tell her how pretty she is or tell him what a good body he has. If he/she is really a good friend, they won?t act pompous at this moment and would compliment you too. This way it won?t even sound like you?re fishing for compliments.

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