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Velvet Song
(Jude Deveraux)

Raine Montgomery hides as an outlaw of King Henry in the early sixteenth century, using his natural leadership ability to create a society out of misfits and ner-do-wells who have broken the law. When he is asked to take charge of a young lad, he agrees, sure he can teach the boy the skills he will need to be a man of honor. Quickly, he finds himself irritated at the boy?s less than willing attentiveness to the lessons. It is almost a relief to find his new squire is actually a beautifully gifted vocalist hiding from a nobleman who wants to punish her for distaining his amorous attentions. Alyxandria has been taught from childhood that her voice comes from God. Surely, she is not like those people Raine seeks to control, is she? In Raines camp Alyx learns her voice is a gift not always appreciated. It is a painful lesson, but necessary if she is to figure out a way to save Raine from the King?s wrath and from his own, stubborn integrity. Alyx uses a woman?s honor at personal cost to a man who holds honor above all things, even his need for love. How can Raine forgive her? How can she make him understand? When idealism and realism meet head to head, what side will you take?

Witty and full of quick-paced dialog, this book follows the larger saga of the medieval Montgomery family and can be enjoyed separately or as part of a chronicle. 300+ pages.

Resumos Relacionados

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