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Ufos, Sismos And Fendas
(Henry Durant)

It was in 1967 that F. Lagarde, of the Lumières group dans la Nuit, made one discovery that took it to formulate a hypothesis; later one set sabiamente to organize a statistics, in order to control for numbers its value. It was only in 1968 that it published the article (of which we reproduce the heading above) that it explains its discovery (LDLN, vol. XI, nº 92, January February of 1968, pp. 4-5). F. Lagarde it received innumerable confirmations, from that we will publish some. Demons it it word:
?The explosion of the atomic bomb was for times invoked to justify presence of the MOC (mysterious celestial objects). Seem-in, however, that this reason is insufficient (?). On the other hand, we notice that the bomb of Hiroxima represented one harnesses energy of 22.000.000 of kilowatts/hour.

The same document, Les Tremblements de Terre, of P. Rousseau, teach-in that the sismo of the Chile of 21 of May of 1960 represented one energy of of kilowatts/hour, that is, ten a thousand times more than the bomb of Hiroshima. E this sismo is not the only one in its sort. One adds here also the volcanic eruptions. Therefore, if a terrestrial phenomenon it can alert neighbors of cosmo, this will be the land tremor, of preference to the atomic bomb, ten a thousand times less powerful. It happens that we register in the relief that we establish of sismos that had occurred between 1309 and 1960 (one hundred and forty and five to all), the presence of luminous records in seven amongst them. P. Rosseau, in one sub-I capitulate of its book, did not leave to mention the ?flashes? that had been observed for a thousand and five hundred individuals in Japan, when of the sismo of 1930, not having received, in this day, no explanation. The author verifies already, without damage of a developed study more, that we continue, that the presence of the OVNIs is in direct relation with the phenomena seismic. It will be, at least, a valid explanation for the indifference that they reveal, front the front, in relation to everything how much it lives on the Land, including proper we, before the cosmic importance that it will be able to represent for them the stability of our planet. But who says sismos, it also says cracks, and if our MOC if interest for the sismos, must also be interested for the geologic cracks, that are the weak points of the terrestrial crust. One of more the notables, of San the Andreas, in San Francisco in U.S.A., for example, constitutes, for our part, the target of a constant vigilancia. To be well cliente, we use the workmanship of. the Michel Propos DES Scoupes Projecting. We write down page the page, how much so objective possible, the comments of UFOs in the ground or the neighborhoods. Referenciamos thus eighty and six localities, that carefully we designate in a geologic letter of France, to millionth. With great surprise ours, thirty and two amongst them, that is, 37%, were placed on cracks. Enormous percentage, exceeding perhaps; one adds despite the used letter does not bring all the details, that would have, surely, increased the percentage. In addition, the geologists cannot mention senão the facts observed in the surface. Everything how much he is re-covered of recent sediments escapes to its comment --- e many cracks continue ignored. It is the case, for example, that convém to cite, of the situated regions in the axle Saint-Valéry-of-Craux-Nevers, poor persons in designated cracks, but that they are in against departures, the headquarters of extraordinary variations of the declination.

But who says sismos, it also says cracks, and if our MOC if interest for the sismos, must also be interested for the cracks geologic, that they are the weak points of the terrestrial crust. One of more notables, of San the Andreas, in San Francisco in U.S.A., for example, he constitutes, for our part, the target of a constant monitoring. To be well cliente, we use the workmanship of. the Michel Propos DES Scoupes Projecting. We write down page the page, so objective how much possible, the comments of UFOs in the ground or the neighborhoods. Referenciamos thus eighty and six localities, that carefully we designate in a geologic letter of France, to millionth. With great surprise ours, thirty and two amongst them, that is, 37%, were placed on cracks. Enormous percentage, exceeding perhaps; one adds despite the used letter does not bring all the details, that would have, surely, increased the percentage. In addition, the geologists not the facts observed in the surface can mention senão. Everything how much it is re-covered of recent sediments escapes to its comment --- e many cracks continue ignored. It is the case, for example, that convém to cite, of the situated regions in the axle Saint-Valéry-of-Craux-Nevers, poor persons in designated cracks, but that they are in counterparts, the headquarters of extraordinary variations of declination. To continue?. Extracted of the book the Strange Cases of the OVNIs de Henry Durant - Hemus Publishing company

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