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Terrorism: A Base Of Attack:why?
(Daljit Khankhana)

Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Tamil Tiger, Lashkar e Taiba, Etc are known terrorist organisations in the World.
Who supported them? Who supplied them weapons. Who is their financer? What are their contributions? There are so many questions that would be raised.
Are the world leaders ignorant from them? Is the intelligences are unknown from them?
These organisations killed not only hundreds, thousands and millions innocents since their origin.
They are international based. They have membership everywhere in the developed and under developed countries.
After 9/11 US opened their eyes and declared them illegal and criticized their tasks when they challenged American security but before they never preferred to condemn them when they were occupy for US needs.
If we shall examine them although UK, allies and US are uniting to beat them but their member are still active in UK, US and their allies countries.
Every Leader is worry about their chair; they never cared for innocent deaths as US President admitted that African- American discrimination still exists after 100 years existing Bill of non-discrimination in state.
Is Developed countries formed such organisations to sell their weapon? If this is a matter, ?then who is killer?? Terrorists and who controlled them.
One day will come, when the world leader will think about their mistreating behaviour. UN is worry about expenses to control human crisis but never introduced such conditions those can harm irresponsible leaders those are responsible for such disasters.
We need to introduce such pattern that can criticize such leaders as they condemned Hitler. If US, UN and world has such proofs that Hezbollah is supported by Syria and Iran, they should be Libel for this action.
US established new guidelines as they attacked on Afghanistan and Iraq under their suspicion that they have mass destruction weapons or they are supporting to Al Qaeda but never attacked on Pakistan who captured them in majority.
UK and US citizens also not be ignored they were arrested as terrorist or under suspicion of a terrorist.
How long is this treatment acceptable by the world leaders? Who shall control them to stop innocent killings as Israel also followed the US president to attack on Hezbollah the cause of their soldier?s abduction but shall not be responsible to kill innocents?Don?t cut the branches of a poisoning tree, cut the roots that are a responsibility of world leaders. It is time to blame someone. It is time to understand wrong dedications to admit wrongs for alterations to establish safety and security for the world nation.

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