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The 17 Essential Qualities Of A Team Player
(John C. Maxwell)

The Big Idea
A follow-up companion reader to The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, here is a clear character profile of the ideal Team Player. Maxwell stresses some main qualities of a good team player: intentional, or she is focused on the big picture, relational, focused on others, selfless, willing to take a backseat for the good of the team, and tenacious ? works hard to overcome obstacles, no matter what.

1. Adaptable
If you won?t change for the team, the team may change you
Quincy Jones was the first African-American to hold a high position in a record company as executive. People around him always say he has a strong hunger to learn new things. From his early days as a musician, he strived to learn as many instruments as possible, then climbed up the ladder at Mercury Records, and from there went into producing films, shows for television, and publishing the magazine Vibe. He has worked with the world?s top talents including Michael Jackson and Ray Charles. In all his endeavors, he adapts to the person and the situation to create a win-win all around.
Characteristics of team players with adaptability:
They are highly teachable. This means they are willing to learn and adapt to new things.
They are emotionally secure. They do not feel threatened by a new addition to the team, or a change in the way things are done.
They are creative. Really creative people don?t fear doing something different.
They are service-minded individuals. They focus less on themselves and think of the good of the team.
How do we become more adaptable?
Get into the habit of learning. Try to learn something new everyday.
Reevaluate your role on the team. Maybe you could fill another role better than your current one.
Reevaluate your role on the team. Maybe you could fill another role better than your current one.
2. Collaborative
Working together precedes winning together
Collaboration is the key word when it comes to meeting challenges as a team. Cooperation is merely working together agreeably, but collaborating means working together more aggressively. Every team player must bring something more to the table, and not just put in his minimum required work. . . . . . . . .

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