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The Fortuneteller
(Machado de Assis)

Narrated in the third person, the tale , by Machado de Assis, breaks the chain of events narrated, increasing the mystery that surrounds a triangle of love. The narration starts with Camilo, mocking at Rita, because his lover had consulted a fortuneteller. Then, Camilo receives an anounymous letter, which content brings a censure for him is betraying his best friend, Vilela, to whom Rita is married. Some other letters are received by Camilo, what makes the couple intrigued.
One day, Camilo receives a note from Vilela, who asks the first to visit him urgently. Camilo suspects Vilela had found out there was an affair between Rita and himself, and had called his friend in order to kill him. On his way to Vilela's house, Camilo passes by the fortuneteller, seeking for advice. The vident guarantees his friend knows nothing about the romance, what makes Camilo feel encouraged to head to Vilela's house. When he arrives there, finds Rita dead, with two shots.
The theme of the tale is adultery and the edges of a man's life, showed by Machado's realism, which leads the reader to chew over these profound questions.

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