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When Nietzsche Cry
(Irvin D. Yalom)

This book has as deep cloth of it I leaven intellectual of Vienna of century XIX to the eves of the birth of the psychoanalysis. Friedrich Nietzsche, the biggest philosopher of the Europe? Josef Breuer, an one of the parents of the psychoanalysis? private pact? a young internal doctor of called hospital Sigmund Freud - these elements if combine to create the Saga of an imaginary relationship between an extraordinary patient and a talentoso therapist.In the opening of this romance, the unattachable Lou Salomé supplicates the Breuer that helps to deal with the suicidal desperation Nietzsche by means of its experimental therapy through the colloquy. When reluctant accepting the task, the eminent doctor carries through a great one discovered - facing its proper internal demons it will only be able to start to help its patient. Thus, two shining and enigmatic men dive in the deepenings of its proper romantic obsessions and discover the redentor power of the friendship.

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- Quando Nietzsche Chorou

- Quando Nietzsche Chorou

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