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Point Of Impact
(Dan Brown)

When a new satellite of NASA finds a strange object hidden in the deepenings of the Arctic, the space agency uses to advantage the discovery to skirt a serious economic crisis and of credibility, being generated serious implications for space politics North American e, over all, for the imminent presidential election. With the objective to verify the authenticity of the discovery, the White House sends the analyst of Intelligence Rachel Sexton for the place.With the objective to verify the authenticity of the discovery, the White House sends the analyst of Intelligence Rachel Sexton for the place. Folloied for one it has equipped of specialists, having included the charismatic researcher Michael Tolland, Rachel if it comes across with indications of a scientific fraud that threat to shake the planet with a deep revelation.Before Rachel can speak with the president of the United States, it and Michael are pursued by controlled professional assassins for a person who is capable of everything to hide the truth. In a desperate escape to save its lives, the only possibility of survival for Rachel and Michael are to unmask the identity of who if it hides for backwards of a conspiracy without precedents.

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