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The Music Of Chance
(Paul Auster)

Paul Auter's novel, THE MUSIC OF CHANCE, is the story of a man looking for freedom in his ife. He wants a life devoid of direction, responsibility, even to let run dry a small fortune he inherited from his father. Jim Nashe left his job as a fire fighter in Boston, his daughter, his home, and took to the roads, driving for a year. Until he came across a beaten and bloodied Jack Pozzi. Like Nashe, Pozzi was on a direction-less road of his own, but had a spot of trouble that led him to the chance meeting with Nashe on the side of a road. As Nashe's travelling companion, Pozzi was relentless in the telling of his story. Soon, the two saw similarities with each other, and came up with a plan to score a big amount of cash. Poker was the means. A game, in which Pozzi was to be the player, was arranged with two millinaire eccentrics, Flower and Stone, to be played in their home.
One of these men was obsessed with making models in miniature, the other with collecting items of an historical bent. Because they sharpened their game with the advice of a poker pro, Flower and Stone believed victory was in the bag. Nashe and Pozzi thought otherwise. They were wrong. Cards dealt went against Pozzi, and soon he and Nashe were out of money, without their car, and in debt to the eccentrics who had a devlish plan for payment.
Flower and Stone had the losers begin construction of a wall made of thousands of seventy pound stones. Akin to being imprisoned, Nashe and Pozzi lived in a small trailer in a meadow, and were paid $10/hour until they acrued enough to pay back their debt. For months they did this, under the watchful eye of Mr. Murks. Despite the conditions and restrictions, they grew to enjoy their new direction in life. When the completion of the agreement was near, Pozzi wanted to celebrate with food, champagne, and a hooker. Mr. Murks made sure they had what they needed, but informted them the following day that the expenses for the night of celebration, as well as for the food over the past few months, would be added to their debt. They had to stay longer.
Nashe decided to help Pozzi escape, under the cover of darkness, via a hole they dug under the surrounding barbed-wire fence. The next morning, Pozzi lay beaten and unconscious at the trailer door, and was taken to the hospital by Murks. Nashe suspected Murks, and was disturbed when the man wanted to become his friend. Determined to find out what really happened to his friend, Nashe arranged for a second visit from the hooker. He'd send her out the next morning into the real, free world, and write to him once she found out anything about Pozzi. She never did.
Mr. Murks finally persuaded Nashe to leave the meadow for a night, join him and his nephew for drinks at a bar in the city. Nashe won a bet playing pool with the nephew. His payment? To drive, once again, his car he had lost in the initial poker game with the eccentrics.
Nashe regained a semblance of the freedom he had once known. He kept driving. When Murks told him to watch out for an oncoming vehicle, Nashe stepped on the gas. The last thing he saw was its blinding light.
Paul Auster swiftly and effortlessly takes the reader deep into the stories of his characters. THE MUSIC OF CHANCE is fueled by redemption, the need for it. Of course, there are always consequences, and a price to pay.

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- The Music Of Chance

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