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Grey Hinterland
(james flynn)

What if amorality was a place? A place where no moral consequences exist. Morality is not something which the vastness of nature produced; it is something which has been produced by Man, something that was constructed, no different to the great structures that dominate the world around us. Perhaps morality was Man?s greatest invention; it slowly seeped into the conscious of everybody who was confronted with it. In the times we now live, morality exists stronger than ever. Although many people would question whether morality is something that has a purpose or power in our ever chaotic, ever shrinking world, it is the very foundation of existence, a base which has been constructed and if broken would plunge us into a darkness. We cannot be blinded by ?practicalities? that front for morality. For example ?Law?; law itself is borne out of what is seen as ?right? and ?wrong?. Those very two terms are products of morality, and it is the questioning of right and wrong which keeps relative harmony throughout the world, it gives us the basis of rules and regulations. It allows us to punish the ?wrong?.

So what if amorality was a place between right and wrong? Not a bridging of the two entities, but a stand alone place, no morality, no ?right? or ?wrong?, no rules, no regulations. No seed of ?good? and ?bad? ever planted into anyone?s consciousness. All consequence stems from the invention of morality, imagine a place without it. There is no ?black? and ?white?, only a mass of Grey; it is itself a Grey Hinterland.

A hinterland isn?t a place of chaos, rather a sub world of beauty, where perhaps true beauty exists, no constraints. People fear having no constraints because they have never visited the Grey Hinterland, a place which exists in the recesses of all our minds. Only the few truly brave people have allowed the Grey Hinterland to punch its way into their conscious existence and transformed the world into a gorgeous mass of non-colour!

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