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Tecnologia De Redes De Computadores
(Roberto Cruz/ pedro macelino da silva junior)

Presentation Nowadays good part of the small companies already uses or is implanting the nets of data for remote local communication and. With the great corporations, this already is in the day the day in each department. With this amazing growth of the Nets, to learn the structure and the functioning of this technology is of basic importance, exists an ample market for who desires to act in this area, the professionals of the area of Computer science needs the basic knowledge on this environment. The training in local nets was developed of form to instruct the user with all the information necessary to plan, to implant and to manage the environment of net in the company. The details contained in this course on as to install, to configure and to offer have supported to this new environment will go to help it to save it much time and to assure that you it uses to advantage to the maximum its investment. INTRODUCTION the communication exists since the origin of humanity, being one of the necessities most basic of the human being. To the measure that the civilizations had been if forming, each time more was exhausted geographically. From there they had appeared, if they had developed and they come if improving the long-distance medias. The communication in planetary scale did not delay to happen. Beyond the book and the periodical, new forms of communication had been servants, more dynamic and agile, as the telegraph, the radio, the cinema and the television, that had soon been become incorporated the cultural património of the humanity. The most sophisticated technology to mediate the numana communication, however, it came to be developed through the use of the computer, that allows to automatize the processing of information and to store them in ratios impossible to be evaluated and quantified for a layperson. When the computation and the possibilities of /ia transmission satellite had been joined, had a new revolution in the communications: sound and image had passed to be taken to all the places of the world, in real time. The world became then a global village. So that this new form of communication was possible, one another revolution, less visible, but of great impact, happened: With the great development of computer science, especially in last the thirty years, the access to a microcomputer left of being privilege of the elite of great purchasing power. The cost of the nicrocomputadores lowered, becoming them equipment of consumption of a number each bigger time of people. For the companies, this diffusion of the use of computer science, together with the development of teleprocessing systems, allowed the formation of nets for which passes through all the necessary information to its management and operacionalização. The computer networks are currently the soul of the company.

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