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Albert Einstein
(Carlos Jr.)

Einstein was born in the German region of Württemberg in a não-observante Jewish family. In 1852, the maternal grandfather of Einstein, Julius Koch, establishes itself as trader of cereals in Bad Cannstatt, in the outskirts of Estugarda -;Stuttgart, a city about ninety kilometers the west of Ulm. The business prospers. The parents of Einstein, Hermann Einstein and Pauline Koch, are married in 1876. Hermann is changed of Bad Buchau for the city of Ulm, where it started to live with the wife. Proprietor of a business of penalty of colchões becomes Funda a company of electric material with the brother Jacob. The company called -: J. Einstein & Cia. The two brothers are vain of whom this sector in full growth better offers yield of that the traditional business of mattress penalty. In 21 of June of 1880 (the small Albert has one year of age), the Einstein family changes itself for Munique. In 1885, Hermann deep Einstein a company of electric material with the brother Jacob. The company called J. Einstein & Cie. The two brothers are vain of whom this sector in full growth better offers yield of that the traditional business of mattress penalty. The company of the father of Einstein arrived to have between 150 and 200 workers in its better days. One of the contracts that the company got was of the electrificação of the enclosures of the celebrity Oktoberfest de Munique, the areal of Theresienwiese. The 18 of November of 1881, are born Einstein Maria. Einstein would always have a very close relation with the sister. Einstein and to the six years of age, Einstein has already violin lessons. In this height, before discovering its passion for natural sciences, the small Einstein desires to be musician. The firm is bought in 1894 for the AEG. Few years later, in 1910, would exist only two great companies in the sector: Siemens & Halske and AEG (Allgemeine Elektrizitätsgesellschaft) the 6 of January of 1903 was married Mileva Mari, without the presence of the parents of the fiancé. Albert and Mileva had had three children: Lieserl, Hans Albert and Eduard. The first one still died the baby, oldest became an important Hydraulical professor in the University of California and youngest, formed in Music and Literature, it died in a Swiss psychiatric hospital. It writes varios articles, between them, if they detach: A 1905 article, introduced restricted relativity. Some of the mathematical ideias already had been introduced one year before for the neerlandês physicist Hendrik Lorentz, but Einstein showed as it was possible to understand these concepts. Its work was based on two axioms: one was the ideia of Galileu of that the laws of the nature are same for all the observers who if move relatively to a constant speed ones to the others; the other, the ideia of that the speed of the light is same for all the observers. In another article it presented plus a deduction produced from the axioms of relativity. In it, Einstein deduced the famous relation between the mass and the energy: E=mc2. Einstein considered this important equation extremely because sample that the energy and the mass are related between itself In November of 1915, Einstein presented before the Prussiana Academy of Sciences a series of conferences where it presented its theory of general Relativity. The final conference culminated with the presentation of an equation that substituted the law of the gravitation of Newton. The relation of Einstein with the Quantum Physics is sufficiently interesting. It was the first one, exactly before Max Planck, the finder of quanta, to say that the quantum theory was revolutionary. Its ideia of quantum light was one revolutionary cut with the Classic Physics the famous phrase of Einstein, -;A quantum mechanics is to impose itself. But an interior voice says me that still it is not the certain theory. The theory says very, but in it does not approach them to the secret of the Old one (the Old One). I am convinced that It does not play to the data ", I appeared in a letter the Max Born dated of 12 of December of 1926. In 1914, little before the beginning of the First World War, Einstein was installed in Berlin where it was nominated managing of the Institute Kaiser Wilhelm de Física and professor of the University of Berlin, becoming, again, German citizen in the same year. In 1919, year of this famous confirmation of the shunting line of light in Sobral and Príncipe Albert Einstein it is divorced Mileva and it is married its divorced cousin Elsa. The Prémio earned Nobel de Física of 1921 for the discovery of the fotoeléctrico effect; however, the prémio alone was announced in 1922Entre 1925 and 1928, Einstein was president of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 1933, Hitler arrives at the power in Germany. Einstein, socialist Jew and, meet now in danger. It is informed by friends of whom it has plans for its assassínio and is advised to run away the 7 from October of 1933, Einstein has left of the port of Southampton, in a ship that it would bring it for the United States of America, its new home. It would never come back to live in the Europe. Princeton Was installed in the United States and accepted a position in the Institute of Advanced Studies of Princeton, New Jersey.

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