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The Hound Of The Baskervilles
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

This 1902 classic remains, to this day, one of the best-loved thrillers of all times ? if one may take the liberty of calling a masterpiece a thriller.

Dr. Watson?s narration begins in Baker Street on an idyllic morning with the good Doctor trying out the methods of analysis and deduction of his long time friend, Sherlock Holmes. From there, the story rapidly progresses, introducing us first to Dr. Mortimer who brings with him the ancient story of the family curse of the Baskerville?s of Devon ? a very large hound which dogged and killed its family members, onto the recent unnatural death of Sir Charles Baskerville in which apparently a very large supernatural hound played a role and finally to the impending arrival of Sir Henry Baskerville, the heir to the very large fortune of his uncle Sir Charles. The question on which Homes is consulted is how is the young Sir Henry, who is coming to England from Canada to claim the inheritance to be shielded and protected against forces that evidently do not want him to reach Baskerville Hall at Devon.

The scene then moves to Devon where Sir Henry insists on going but not before an interesting incident in London where Sherlock Homes, for once, is confounded and which proves that there are sinister elements at work.

At Baskerville Hall, Sir Henry accompanied by Dr. Watson set about settling in ? Sherlock Holmes is unable to travel with them owing to pressing demands in London. Together, they introduce us to Baskerville Hall itself, the Barrymores, husband and wife butler and caretakers of Baskerville Hall, the brother/sister duo of Stapletons of Merripitt House, Laura Lyons of nearby Coombe Tracy, Mr Frankland who had made his life taking frivolous issues to court, the melancholic moor of Devon where an escaped convict shelters, the mysterious and unknown man on the moor, the bogs of the dreaded Grimpen Mire and to the occasional soulful eerie howling of a hound. The intense sense of gloom of the countryside and the foreboding that follows Sir Henry is strongly prevalent and it weighs down his otherwise strong and independent spirit, not least helped by his unrequited fondness for Miss Stapleton.

The narration peaks with Dr. Watson?s discovery that Sherlock Holmes has all along been living on the moor incognito. However much he dislikes being deceived by his friend, he sees the wisdom in the detective being seen to be far away in London when in fact he was actually quite close and ready to pounce on their adversary. For Holmes had already formed his conclusions ? that the death of Sir Charles had indeed been a murder and the plans for the demise of Sir Henry were fast taking shape, the antagonists having made their play and were just biding their time and waiting for the fatal incident overtake Sir Henry as it had done for Sir Charles.

For those who have not yet read The Hound, it would be a serious injustice on my part to divulge any more details. The gripping narration of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is to be savoured first hand. I therefore conclude the abstract here with the hope that I may have created sufficient curiosity in the mind of the reader to take on the full Hound. You will find it here: http://sherlock-holmes.classic-literature.co.uk/the-hound-of-the-baskervilles/

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- The Hound Of The Baskervilles

- The Hound Of The Baskervilles

- The Hound Of The Baskervilles

- The Hound Of The Baskervilles

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