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How To Be Good
(Nick Hornby)

Katie Carr thinks she is good; being a doctor especially must make her good mustn?t it? She has to put up with a lot at work and at home. She is having an affair with Stephen, and her marriage to David an angry and cynical man is not going well. Things take a bizarre turn for the worst when suddenly David sees the light in the form of DJ GoodNews a faith healer, who he invites to come and live with them. It is now Katie?s turn to be cynical and she can?t quite believe that her whole family have been taken in by this crazy con-man. Just who is he and where did he come from anyway? Miracles are supposedly happening in the form of magical healing of headaches and eczema. Why is she the only one who can see through him? Suddenly her husband has turned into some sort of religious fanatic who is only interested in charitable activities like giving all the children?s toys away and looking after homeless people in their own house. David encourages the neighbourhood to join in on a large scale, with rather unfortunate consequences. In the meantime Katie is struggling to maintain her sanity while being faced with difficult and persistent patients. She begins to wonder in desperation if DJ GoodNews can help after all. His talent for healing may cover more than just the physical aspects of life, and may just help Katie face up to a few home truths that have been staring her in the face all along. Will her marriage survive or is it time for them to go their separate ways?

This book is hilarious and you will not want to put it down. Nick Hornby has you giggling all the way through, with his clever wit and observations of the modern world.

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