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Prasanthi Thoughts

A Ray

In purity, I was born ?
in perfect (mental) state I enthralled
As life rolled by
I amassed worldly moss
Hatred, envy, anger
were the pass words
Fury of passion I spew
These were home to me
I revelled in them
Jewels of my crown were they
Satan incarnate I was
None thought me
Lo, behold!
An orange robe
Appeared in the smog of my mind
Fluffy hair, majestic gait
on lotus feet
He walked
Melodious voice, adoring person
Love emanating from
every pore Destiny placed me at
- His lotus feet

Changed I was
born anew
Past absolved
new beginning was made
His grace transform diehards
New values sweep
?em afresh
Birthly condition
I was branded again

His name in heart,
I end the journey of this mortal-self.


Resumos Relacionados

- The Shabazz Poem

- Love

- The Alchemist

- Love Story

- Forgiveness

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