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Effect Butterfly
(Edward Lorenz)

Effect butterfly it is a term that if it inside relates to the initial conditions of theory of the chaos. This effect was analyzed for the first time in 1963 for Edward Lorenz. According to theory presented, beating of wing of a simple ones butterfly it could influence the natural course of the things and, thus, perhaps provoke one tufão of the other side of the world.
Theory of the Chaos
The Effect Butterfly is part of Theory of the Chaos, which finds applications in any area of sciences: accurate (Engineering, Physics, etc), doctors (Medicine, Veterinary medicine, etc), biological (biology, zoology, botany, etc) or human beings(Psychology, Sociology, etc), art or religion, conventional and not conventional etc, areas. Thus, the Effect Butterfly also finds space in any natural system, that is, in any system that is dynamic, complex and adaptativo. A film with the name exists "The Butterfly Effect" (Effect Butterfly) make reference to reference this theory.
Dynamism of the effect butterfly
This type of effect there when restricted to one or two 0 variable , fixing itself excessively, it tends to be simple and, in this not natural or bordering situation, only is that the laws of classic science can demonstrate the previsibility of a closed system. In this in case that it increases the sistêmica rigidity and the Effect Butterfly can be mapeado of sufficiently simple form. Some scholars affirm that he leaves to exist, however, he is known that resultade of determined calculation when passes to be given numerical of another one (and so on), influences in its result, therefore, acts the Effect Butterfly. This was discovered (almost by chance) by Edward Lorenz when it was working with forecasts meteorological in the MIT and it verified the influence caused in dynamic systems when very small alterations in the inserted initial data in numerical computers programmed are made to make calculations in series.
Description of occurrence of the effect butterfly
In 19 of February of 1998, tropical computers of the system of forecast of tempestadoes of United States they had diagnosised the formation of a tropical storm on Louisiana in three days. On Pacific ocean a meteorologista of that agency discovered that it had a small difference in the executed measurements, and that these could foresee a small difference in the displacement of the air masses . The difference was detected through a movement of air in bigger speed in the region of the Alasca. In function of the differences, it had a feedback of data in the computers, these remaking the calculations had foreseen that the formation of the tropical storm in Lousiana would not occur, but would have yes the formation of a Tornado of gigantic ratios in Orlando, in the Flowery one, what it really occurred in 22 of February of 1998.

Somatorie of the error and uncertainty of the strap down systems
Into classic science, in general the opened systems are changedded , that is, the dynamic, complex and adaptativos systems, in closed systems to be able to apply the known laws that privilege the linearities in detriment of not-linearities. This occurs to facilitate and to simplify the analysis of data. But, to if taking a decision minimum, considered many times insignificant, taken with full espontaneidade, in the open dynamic systems, we will be able to generate an unexpected transformation in an uncertain future.
For this, in this type of system, when restricted one or two 0 variable fixing itself excessively, and only in this called situation bordering, the system if becomes closed, and the Effect Butterfly pparently it does not act, thus causing the impression of a static system.
Mathematical definition
A dynamic system evolving from ft it indicates a narrow dependence enters the final conditions in relation to the initials. If a point from the increase will be arbitrarily separate of t, being a point any M that one that indicates the state of ft , this sample a sensible dependence of the final circumstances from the initials.
Therefore, thus having at the beginning d> 0 for each point x in M, where in the neighborhood of N that they contain x a point exists y e a time ? we have

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