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The Code Of The Bible
(Michael Drosnin)

This code is a revelation of God, according to Rogério of the Coast: - In the book of Daniel, God gave two revelations to it, a directly accessible one - namely, the proper Biblical content -, and one another stamped revelation, being this last call of Code of the Bible. This stamped revelation remained occult for about 3200 years, and since the year of 1997 the communities scientific and Jewish are alarmed with the discovery of information that had come to tona with the discovery of the computer.

The world-wide spreading of the discovery of a code in the Jewish bible (old will), came through an intitled book of - the Code of the Bible, written for an American journalist called Michael Drosnin, who was the divulgador of the subject. However Drosnin is only the canal of the information, therefore the true finder is a Jewish scientist, called Dr.Eliyahu Rips, that inhabits more than has twenty years in the state of Israel and that currently he is professor in the Hebrew University of the Jerusalem capital.

The test of the authenticity of this discovery if gives more than in the precision of a thousand facts that had happened, with details and dates, everything codified in five books of Moisés (the Torah), such as: the murder of two members of the family Kennedy, the attempted against one to the bomb of Oklahoma, the election of Bill Clinton, everything since the World War II until the Watergate case, of the Holocausto Nazista until the bomb of Hiroshima, of the arrival of the man to the Moon until the fall of a comet in Jupiter, the discovery of dates of the Gulf War twenty and days before it happening, more than dates of the murder of Ytzhak Rabin a year before the crime having occurred in Tel-Aviv.

The interesting one is that the code appears in the inverse one of the Biblical text, beyond the surprising discovery of that in each messianic prophecy of the old will, although the Jews not to accept the Jesus as the Messias, appear in the code the following phrase: - My name is Jesus, I is the Messias. However, the code presents three facts that in the sequence of the information had not yet happened:
1º. The code presents the World-wide I and II Wars with all the details, the dates and the names of the involved ones. In the sequence, around the last name of the former-minister of Israel, Benjamim Netanyahu, and of the Jerusalem word, the code presents the following phrases: - Day of III the World-wide War; - All its people will go for the war; - Atomic Holocausto in Jerusalem; - 9 of Av - 5760/5766 (Jewish calendar), that translated for our gregoriano calendar it will be around 25 of July of 2000/2006. However, the Jewish calendar does not have vowel to know the relation between 2000 and 2006.

2º. The code presents some earthquakes, since that they had happened has much time until most recent. Former: the biggest earthquake of the world, that happened in China in 1976, in the city of Tang Chan, where 800,000 Chinese had more than died. E continuing, the code presents more three great earthquakes that will come: two of them enter the years of 2000 and 2006, being one in China and another one in Japan, and one another one in Los Angeles (U.S.A.) with information that, according to code, indicate its total disappearance of the map in 2010.

3º. The code presents the shock of a comet with the Jupiter planet, that happened in 1994. In its sequence it appears the fall of three gigantic comets in the planet Land; the first one in 2006, second in 2010 and third in 2012, being that this last one will be esfacelará before the shock. The prediction of two comets falling in the Land meets in the book of revelations (AP. 8:8 - 10)

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