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Kafka On The Shore
(Haruki Murakami)

15-year-old, Kafka Tamura runs away from home in Nakano, Japan. A boy called Crow eggs him on. In Takamatsu. Miss Saeki looks after the Komura Heritage Library. It's a family heritage. She is assisted by Oshima. Someone murders his father, the famous sculptor Kochi Tamura.

In Nakano lives an old man, Nakata. who lost his ability to read and write in a freak accident when he was a child. He can now talk to cats. He is assigned to look for Goma a lost cat.

A runaway Kafka takes refuge in the library, makes friends with Oshima. He believes Miss Saeki to be his mother who abandoned him as a child. Yet, he is in love with her. Miss Saeki imagines him to be the lover she lost as a girl. Every night a 15-year-old girl, in a blue dress comes to Kafka's room...

Nakata, during his search for Goma, is led to Johnny Walker, who kills the cats and makes flutes from their bones. He cannot bear the brutal killings and when Goma's turn comes, Nakata stabs Johnny Walker to death. Nakata faints and when he wakes up he cannot talk to cats anymore. He in turn sets out on another search....

Meanwhile, the police are looking for Kafka to enquire about his father's murder. Oshima hides Kafka in a jungle cabin. Kaka penetrates the jungle to find two soldiers lost from WWII. They are young and healthy.They invite him to his cabin. During his stay Kafka meets the 15-year-old girl and Miss Saeki.

Once outside he learns that Miss Saeki is no more.
In Kafka... the characters lead many lives. They live together and apart. They are known to each other yet unknown. Murakami weaves the threads of life and death together to create a metaphysical explosion. A novel in which you can feel the warmth of memories.

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