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(Stephen King)

If you have not read It, then you must. Stephen King packs everything into this book.

Although it is quite a lengthy novel (1000+ pages in paperback), you have to read the story of Bill Denbrough and the Loser's Club.
The Story starts of with George 'Georgie' Denbrough chasing a boat that he and his brother made when all of a sudden he comes face to face with pure evil. And it comes in the form of a clown.
The story takes off from there introducing all the main characters: Bill, Stan, Eddie, Ben, Bev, Richie and Mike.
This book is written mostly in third person with a few interludes by one of the characters.
Like I said before if you have not read this book then you must.
The ending is a trifle dissapointing but the entire book will leave you wanting more Pennywise.

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