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Murderind Doll
(Daniel Hazzard)

It was Halloween and all the children were running around screaming and shouting chasing afer eachother .
i looked at my clock and the old battered clock said 12:00pm .
"right time for bed " i walked to my bedroom and stepped on the sqeeky stair case DING DONG
"whos this at this time of night"? i opend the door no oine was there a looked at the floor and then saw a young doll with curly blond haire and took her in side .i took the doll to my room and then by the time it was 3:00am the doll had awoke it was like a horror film that i watched that night . A smash shot me up and i ran out of bed to find the doll talking and helding a knife
" how do you like me now " i screamed and tried to run to the door but it was locked
"no please don't" the doll sricked four times in my heart and blood ran out of my mouth like a waterfall and after 10 minuites i die.

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