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Celestina Prophecy
(James Redfield)

The Celestina Prophecy is a bestseller, a world-wide phenomenon, with more than four million vendidos units. The book speaks of one old manuscript written in Aramaico and found in the Peruvian forests. It discloses to nine essential visões for the growth spiritual of the humanity.

Each chapter is a step, a step in the stairs of the evolution, where the reader folloies the adventures of a man discovering its proper truth through ?insights? that they speak on the physical universe, the nature human being, until the eventual transcorporal evolution of our species. Its destination is to arrive in the high one of mountains of Andes and to understand the meaning contained in the nine visões announced in the Peruvian manuscript. Throughout this way, the reader inside apprehends and carries pra from the reality of its day-by-day each one of the visões.

The essence of the message of Redfield is that the universe is composed of energy and that is evolving for raised periods of training each time more of vibration of this energy. Energy, if relates the joined pure energy in atoms of hydrogen, to molecules, the organic substance, and evolves until a transcorporal state. It are of the substance.

This book deals with as simply we get and we use energy. The final period of training involves the human beings that can direct this evolution conscientiously, learning to acquire the energy connecting itself it the nature, meditando, working of some form its self-knowledge.

When we have energy in such a way, we can ?increase our vibrations?. With a stronger vibration, we can reach ours better psique and talentos. When we do not have enough energy and in them we do not connect the energy in the correct way, finish going of meeting to our ?dramas of control? that is the form that each one has to deal with the world and the people that surrounds it, in a species of dispute for the energy.

Another interesting and sufficiently boarded aspect in the book is the process of the sincronicidade, of the calls ?coincidences?, when the things start to happen in parallel in diverse places at the same time, or when they happen simply why had that to happen and they bring you a species of learning.

The Celestina Prophecy is a book that arrived to illuminate our understanding of the future. After all it treats knowing spiritual as part of our daily one. It is the conscience of the calls ?coincidences?, a positive and global vision on the life human being in the land.

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- Law Of Conservation Of Energy

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- The Celestine Prophecy

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