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Land Of The Men
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Land of the Men is one of the wonders of the poetical narrative, a philosophical text of first largeness, signed for the ?Prince of the Desert?, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The descriptive of the airplanes that had been part of the life of the poet-writer gets passionate to the loving ones of aviation and enchants the reader, filosofando on the vicissitudes of the involved men with the war and the Elements - the winds, the storms, moonlight, the Land, mother of the men: - ?What would look these laundrywoman-greens, the hundreds of kilometers of oases of the interior here? Light destroços in a beach prove that a cyclone devastou the sea. Thus these insects show that a sand storm is in march; a storm that comes of East, that swept the green butterflies of its distant palms. Its announcement arrives me?.

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