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Open Letter To President Bush

The Voice For Peace of Bajaur Agency has decided to write an open letter to President Bush as it wants to convey a message to him that the people of tribal areas situated on Pak-Afghan border are with you in the war against terroris.

This impression is totally wrong that the people of tribal areas have been hating the Americans or Westerns. This impression has been created by some elements who have vested interests. The people of tribal areas are very poor. At this movement they need the help of the Western and American people.

The Voice For Peace has made a plan for building schools and opening hospitals in the tribal areas. In this noble task the Western country can provide us help for which the people of tribal areas will be very grateful.

The people of Bajaur Agency are ready to make a friendship with Western people as they consider that all the human beings irrespective of their religious affiliation can live with peace and harmony.

The Voice For Peace will write detail letters to President Bush and other Western leaders in which they will be informed about the real situation on the border. It wants to remove the misconception.
Muhammad Khurshid, Khar, Bajaur Agency Tribal Areas Pakistan

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