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Goodbye Summer Blues

Steve Jackson was a private detective in Los Angeles. In this summer he didn't have much work.
One morning a woman came into his office, she looked for her brother and she wanted that Jackson looked for Mark Spate. Ann gave him a photo of Mark and his home address.
First Steve asked for Mark at his work, at Metro Rent-A-Car. The boss said that he didn't know any mark.
Steve drove to Mark's apartment, he found a piece of paper where there was written some place.
Steve had known that Mark was in Texas.
But in Mark's apartment was somebody else who pushed Steve a gun in his back.
When he woke up he was in some bushes in a park, and somebody cut his car's brakes.
The next day Mark and Ann drove to Mexico.
When they was swam in the boat, Somebody shot at them with a sub machine gun, They jumped out of the motorboat and some moments later there was an explosion, and then they back to L.A.
Next day he went to the telephone company, and three people was hijacked him. The policeman (Sergeant Todd) took him to the woods, and pushed him from the car, But Ann came and saved his life!
At the and of the story Steve found that dr. summers smuggling diamonds with the rent-a-car company all the way from Mexico to L.A.
Then Ann told Steve that her name is Jean, and he work for the U.S Customs Service with Mark.

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