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Brave New World

Huxley's book, Brave New World, published in 1932 is giving the
world, as it was then, a warning of what the future may hold 600 years hence.
He later modified this timescale, greatly shortening it, in his commentary
Brave New World Revisited, which is not covered in this note.

The first few chapters give an introduction to this brave new
world which has been in existence for 632 years. The plot begins when Bernard
Marx is introduced. Huxley describes him as a highly intelligent, but eccentric
man, who is dissatisfied with his existence in Utopia.

In this world there is no family life - children are created for a
specific role in the running of the state. Humans are divided into 5 castes
from Alpha down to Epsilon. Bernard is an Alpha+, which gives him the authority
to go on holiday to the Reservation in New Mexico. The place is inhabited by
people who are useless to the Utopia Society.

Bernard takes Lenina Crowne with him. There they meet John who has
been labeled 'the savage' as he was born naturally on the Reservation and
not produced by the state. His mother was the wife of Tomakin, the
Director of Hatcheries who had abandoned her there.

Bernard obtains permission from Mustapha Mond, one of the 10 World
Controllers, to bring John and his mother, Linda, back to London where he
proudly parades the 'primitive' savage before his fellow citizens. John becomes
a sensation but his mother cannot take her new lifestyle and becomes ill. When
she dies, John feels guilty for having deserted her and he becomes despondent.
Even though he has become a celebrity, he becomes increasingly horrified by the
brave new world and retreats into reading Shakespeare's plays.

Meanwhile, John has fallen passionately in love with Lenina, but
has convinced himself that any sexual contact between them would be a grievous
sin--a stance that completely baffles Lenina who has been conditioned to enjoy
promiscuous sex without any emotional commitment.

In despair, the Savage precipitates a riot and Bernard and
Helmhotz participate. Mustapha Mond is furious with the three and tells them
that they must conform to the requirements of the state. Bernard and Helmholtz
are exiled but the Savage must stay behind. He holes up in an abandoned
lighthouse where he grows food and mortifies his flesh as penance for his lust
for Lenina.

In the end, reporters discover the Savage and photograph his
bizarre rituals of self-flagellation. A nightly carnival ensues as swarms of
London curiosity seekers come to witness the antics of this strange creature.
Finally the Savage, in shame and desperation, hangs himself.

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- A Brave New World

- A Brave New World

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