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Les "j'accuse De Zola Et Péguy
(Zola ; Péguy ; Pierre Lafont ; C. Sallenave)

In view to commemorate the rehabilitation in 1906 of Captain Dreyfus, condemned for high betrayal in 1895, here is a theatral adaptation that shows the major writings of Zola and Péguy along the "affair", and among them the famous "J'accuse", for which Zola had to escape to England not to be emprisoned. The socio-political passions growed to a climax in the period and had eminent consequences in the french and european history all the 20th century long. In an accurate post-face, the eager and nifty sociologist Christian Sallenave gives a lot of arguments explaining why those were not only dreyfusards, but also dreyfusians and dreyfusists. The birth of the modern intellectual, the affirmation of the democratic values inherent to the Republic and the laïcity in front of the antisemitism and the nationalist propaganda, so were and remain the goals of the genial intervention of Zola.

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- ?acuso? De Zola E Péguy (les « J?accuse » De Zola Et De Péguy)

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- J´accuse

- J'accuse

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