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(Ted Bell)

It is rare to find thriller auhtors in this day that seem to be ahead of the curve. Tom Clancy has always had the knack of predicting possible future events through his fiction and now I think that Ted Bell has taken over that mantle.

In the 3rd outing of Mr. Bell's popular Alexander Hawke series, we find Hawke, Ambrose Cosgrove and friends in cahoots with a French / Chinese alliance. It is a very timely subject when one considers the tense nature of the Chinese/Taiwan relationship.

Also, through the vehicle of the thriller genre, Mr. Bell is able to educate us in America of what could well become the new "Russia" of our generation, that being China and their insatiable need for arable resources and more importantly, oil.

The action is fast paced with fascinating glimpses of history. A new Bonaparte, a ruthless China and a middle eastern state on the brink of war with the US with some dastardly Germans thrown in, make "Pirate" a ripping great read.

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