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Explore Hinduism
(Bansi Pandit)

In Explore Hinduism Bansi Pandit offers a well-rounded introduction to Hindu beliefs and practices, and describes how Hindus think, act and practice their faith in the modern world. Most importantly, it illumines the ?soul? of Hinduism, its spirituality.
The book is divided into two parts containing 22 chapters. The first part discusses all essential aspects of Hindu religion and culture. The second part covers the fundamentals of Hindu spirituality, including the attributes of a spiritual sadhana (path). To broaden the reader's understanding of the material presented; the book also includes tables, figures, and glossary.
Explore Hinduism begins with a remarkable chapter on the nature and origin of Hinduism where unique features of the Hindu religious and spiritual thought are introduced. The author skillfully takes the reader through various stages of Hindu history and shows how the Hindu religious and spiritual thought was originally conceived by the Vedic rishis, how it was influenced by the pre-Vedic traditions and the post-Vedic religious thinking over thousands of years, and how it culminated into what is now called contemporary Hinduism.
Next, the author discuses Hindu scriptures, Hindu view of the ultimate reality, individual and the world, graded nature of Hinduism, karma and rebirth, dharma, and moral and ethical life in Hinduism. The subsequent chapters discuss principal doctrines of Hinduism, yoga and meditation, ancient caste system, life after death, position of women in Hinduism, Hindu wedding, Hindu rights of passage (Samskaras), Hindu festivals and religious conversions. The last four chapters are devoted to the science of spirituality and discuss the basic principles of Hindu spirituality, consciousness, the concept of Maya and the attributes of a spiritual path (sadhana).
Explore Hinduism is an engaging overview in simple language. "The purpose of this book is to assist the readers of all ages in exploring Hinduism, and to provide them with a road map for further travels in the land of Hindu religion, if they so desire." To achieve this goal, Bansi Pandit has restricted himself to a descriptive, down to earth approach, utilising simple language and explaining not only "How" but "Why" of things in Hinduism.
Pandit explains the profound contrast that persists between Hinduism and the West. "The West has traditionally taken the anthropological approach whereas Hinduism represents a cosmic outlook. Saints and sages are its living heart. Hinduism?s God is one invisible whole, which can be felt in the trees and stars, in the icons of gods and goddesses and experienced in the hearts of humans. Hinduism is a timeless tradition, where the time dependent outer reality (physical world) is viewed only as a reflection of the timeless inner (spiritual) reality in the mirror of what Hindus call maya (cosmic ignorance), and where the divine presence is as close as the stillness behind our own thoughts."
Explore Hinduism is an interesting and instructive overview on Hinduism that will challenge, expand, and transform your view of the Hindu religion, culture and spirituality.

This book is available from [email protected]

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