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The Robots Of Dawn
(Isaac Asimov)

If you are a fan of science fiction, this is a book to read! Isaac Asimov again has put out a spectacular piece of art in the third book in this series. New York detective Elijah Baley is searching for a murderer. Unlike the overpopulated earth, crime is virtually unknown in the Outworlds. The robot Jander Panell has experienced a mental shut-down; roboticide. Being a politically crucial investigation, Baley must rely on his humanistic logic, reason, and the all important Three Laws of Robotics to get to the bottom of the case. One: ?A robot may not harm a human being, or, through inaction cause a human being to come to harm.? Two: ?A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law.? Three: ?A robot must protect its own existence, as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second laws.?

With the help of his robot partner Daneel Olivaw, and Giscard, a rather quirky robot, they plunge into the case. Early in the course of the investigation, they come across the first puzzle- Jander Panell?s lover comes onto the scene. As if that in itself were not odd enough, his lover is Gladia, a wealthy human.

Time is of the essence, as top roboticist, and political figurehead, Han Fastolfe, has been implicated. The only man with the skill to cause Panell?s melt down, suspicion runs deep. Fastolfe?s estranged daughter further complicates matters in her testimony against her father. By her account, the man is a monster, who would go to any length to further his scientific theories of predicting the future. Perhaps the only thing she feels her father did correctly, was building Giscard ? the robot who served as her childhood nanny. To protect the Earth-Outworlds relationship, Fastolfe?s political standing, and bring a murderer to justice, Baley and his robots must act quickly.

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